A young man, dressed prim and proper to reflect the nature of his
profession. Clearly a butler, clearly capable of maintaining proper
decorum, yet once in a blue moon the boy can be found happily
relaxing when not actively working. Tired eyes carry a dedicated
gaze, one that yells out 'The duty to impress is a butler's curse'.
Standing at the fairly average and unremarkable height of 5'8'', the smell of many a test and spice can be easily caught in his presence. A practicing botanist, and by the everpresent air of sinka and alessa his inclination towards teas is no secret.
"Live to please. Work to impress."
Standing at the fairly average and unremarkable height of 5'8'', the smell of many a test and spice can be easily caught in his presence. A practicing botanist, and by the everpresent air of sinka and alessa his inclination towards teas is no secret.
"Live to please. Work to impress."