Empty black voids follow along this scholar's footsteps. Raven feathers coat her body, across her arms and up at her neck. It's unclear if it's they're a part of her- or if it's some odd garb. Clearly, given the brim of her large pointy hat? The woman gives off the air of a witch- and to any in the know? Such is her title, the Witch of Unreality. Though she carries the title and aesthetic? She is a known knight of Aphros. A state that wouldn't accept a proper witch into their ranks before it falls.

She stands hunched over almost always, making her seem even shorter than her 5'6'' stature. Her skin is sickly pale, her eyes are carried with hefty black bags. Clearly quite physically weak, she often seems at the brink of falling into a nap. Raven's feathers find themselves caught all around her, in her hair, her attire and her surroundings.